A couple weeks ago Galleries Lafayette Jakarta approached me about FASHION IS YOU Indonesia biggest fashion show. The event that all my readers can participate, you just need to express your vision of fashion. The show will take place October 26th. the 200 chosen participants will have the chance to participate to a giant backstage, pampered by a team of more than 50 professionals. After preparation, the candidates will finally walk on the 170 meters long red carpet, for a one hour show, live and in front of a real public. you may or may not be walking in it.
Anyway, all participants will showcase in one of the three styles of this season, Smokey Rock, Cocktail Time, and Mixology. Browse this site and from the three styles of this season, choose the look that best represents your style.
Click this link and fill out the form. Submission date 8 August - 12 October 2013
the 9 very best looks of the show will receive a special fashion prize reward, and the jury's favorite prize will be awarded a flight return ticket to Paris.
If this was illegible, click this link to read the Terms and Conditions of the event.
xxx June
you're fantastic
I believe there's something fishy going on behind the selection of the winners. The best look of the day (the girl in orange) according to most people who were there and saw witht heir own eyes, did not win at all.