Thursday, April 08, 2010

La mimi: FashionIdol of the Week


The Interview

La Mimi: Name, age, location
June Paski, 19, Bandung, Indonesia

La Mimi: Why do you blog?
June: I first started a photo retouching blog. I made it to publish my work so I had a working portfolio. Later after discovering fashion blogs, I became completely obsessed with them, especially after I started regularly reading Susie’s Style Bubble blog. I guess I can say that she has been the main inspiration for me to start my own fashion blog.

La Mimi: How has your life changed since you started blogging?
June: I’ve been able to meet with loads of new people from around the world and I love that! Prior to starting my blog I rarely met anyone new. It keeps me motivated and inspired.

La Mimi: What and who inspired your personal style?
June: My dad because he has amazing style. As well as magazines, other fashion bloggers, runaway fashion and editorials.

La Mimi: What are some of the trends you can’t wait to try this summer?
June: Maxi dress and silk shirt.

La Mimi: You believe that one can be fashionable on a very low budget. How do you
personally manage to do that?
June: I don’t come from a rich family. So, I had to learn to shop on a very tight budget. I read a lot of magazines and blogs to stay up to date on trends, and then find what I need in flea markets, if I can’t get what I want in there, I try to make it myself.

La Mimi: What’s the best style advice you’ve gotten?
June: Anything that’s handmade is so much more special and unique than what’s sold in mass retail stores.

La Mimi: What’s the biggest lesson life has taught you?
June: Keep moving forward to make your dreams come true.

La mimi has featured me as Fashion Idol of the Week on her website.
I'm so happy. Thank you so much to Mimi!

Read the whole interview here.


  1. Congrats, truly deserved! I am so happy to hear that your father is your style icon! Thats a unique and nice answer:)

  2. congrats my dear!!! fabulous interview and great photo college! :)
    vicki xo

  3. aw congrats June!

    lovelove, m.

  4. you're brilliant june, that's all I can say <3

  5. congrats! u really deserve it.. i love reading your answers..

  6. Congrats, lovely feature hun. Hope ur well xx

  7. amazing interview!
    love it


  8. i love that you emphasized that one can be fashionable even on a budget...since i was young, my mom has always taught us to be frugal and watch how we spend...and now, i love thrifting so much, 90% of outfits are thrifted!

    ps. found your blog through weardrobe...following you...

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  9. i love that you emphasized that one can be fashionable even on a budget...since i was young, my mom has always taught us to be frugal and watch how we spend...and now, i love thrifting so much, 90% of outfits are thrifted!

    ps. found your blog through weardrobe...following you...

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  10. congrats fashion idol!!!

    fabulous outfits!!!

  11. Love it! Great pics and interview.

  12. great intervieuw!!

  13. congratulations! the intervew is fantastic!!!

  14. so chic
    i LOVE your blog, keep it up!
    thanks for sharing as always darling
    and thanks for your sweet comments!


  15. nice too see you on your blog, anak bandung juga ya?
    check on my new post
    beauty splashes

  16. woww,niceee interview :)
    mind to exchange links and follow each other blogs as well?

  17. cooooooooooooool post!!!!!!!

    lovely outfits!!!!!!!

    great blog u have!!!!!

    i followed u!

    come visit me...and follow me if u want!


  18. Hi meis, hoe gaat het met je!?
    Had het interview al gelezen op Mimi's site! Echt een eer dat je daar op mag staan! Je hebt het echt verdiend

    xxx Robine

  19. what a nice blog! Thank you for commenting & hope you enjoyed my post & blog x

    Maria from "Charmed She's Sure"

  20. you are fabuluous!

  21. you look so chic! love the coat with the jean shirt and congrats on the feature ;)

  22. Wow!! You have such a stunning style!!

    I didn't know your blog but since now, I follow you ;)



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